Radio Advertising has decades of proven results as an efficient medium to help generate brand awareness and grow business for a variety of companies, but there are definitely pitfalls that many of our clients have experienced over the years.If you don’t know how to segment effectively your market and deliver a quick value proposition you have no business doing Radio Advertising but if you do have a good idea, check out the rest of this article for more tips on how to get the most out of Radio Advertising.
Know Your Ad Copy and Minimize Your Costs
The first area that all Radio Advertisers need to understand is that your radio copy is the hammer this is going to drive your message home. If you aren’t able to engage your target audience effectively in a short period, your Radio Spot will be fruitless, and you will waste a ton of money!
Radio Copy is very similar to an elevator speech that you would give someone; you want to deliver entertainment, a solid value proposition and communicate what results your services have already delivered. If you need tips on how to better write copy that engages your audience and communicates an effective message in 60 seconds or less check out this link.
Understanding Your Persona and Delivering a Value Offer
Radio Advertising is about knowing your audience or as we call it a buyer persona and what stage of the buyers journey they are on. As a reference, we included this picture below from Hubspot.

What stage of the buyer’s journey are you engaging your prospect?
Are you trying to create awareness about a new service or product you are offering?
Are you reaffirming the value you have created with many similar customers?
These questions are so vital when it comes to segmenting your message correctly because you only have 60 seconds! You have to be concise, and you can’t be everything to everyone.
Deliver a Radio Ad Message That Creates Action
It’s similar to a party, you wouldn’t tell a friend about all the features or your party (i.e. come to my party we are going to have red ballons there!) no that doesn’t help, people want to come to a party to have fun, to enjoy themselves. It should be the same with your Radio Ad.
Don’t focus on features, sell the results of what you have been able to produce or how you have created immense value for your customers.
Once you have sent a great invitation to the party with the initial part of your Radio Spot, it’s time to tell them where they have to go and who they need to RSVP. This is a Call to Action; it puts the ball into your audiences court. You want your audience to commit to something to prove they are serious about your offer. These can be emailed out in forms, direct numbers to call, a location to attend and so much more.
Make the Most Out of Your Radio Ads
I know we only uncovered the tip of the iceberg of Radio Advertising, but we hope this article helps get you started going in the right direction. If you need a more direct approach or a higher level of guidance, click the link below to speak with Kirk Donovan directly about your Radio Advertising Campaign.