10 Simple Ways to Advertise Your Small Business on a Budget

Are you looking for free or cheap advertising techniques for your small business?

Well, our list of the most inexpensive ways to promote your small business online can help every beginner get their foot in the door.

Online advertising is the easiest, most effective, and least expensive type of advertising available today.

Most consumers now search for products or services online whether they are just trying to gather information or they are looking to make a purchase.

Therefore, if you follow the ten steps below to begin advertising your business online, you will quickly make a name for yourself in the industry.

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Top 6 Benefits of Using Video Marketing to Promote Your Business

Video Marketing Tips for Business Growth

Video Marketing is quickly becoming the most popular form of content in the world of Digital Marketing. Consumers are more attracted to video content because of its versatility and visual appeal.

Ask yourself, if you had to research a topic, would you ratherread througha 1000 word article, or watch a short, 5-minute video to get the information you need? (yes, I realize the Irony here).

If you are like most consumers, you would much prefer to watch a short video than read a lengthy blog post or article.

Not convinced?

That’sOK,because we are going to provide you with the Top 6 Reasons You Need A Video Marketing Strategy in 2018.

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The 4 Best Types of Digital Advertising Every Law Firm Should Be Using

Best Types of Digital Marketing for Law Firms

We live in the Digital Age. That means that for your law practice to thrive, it has to live there too.

But what does it mean to “live online”?

It doesn’t mean just having a website and a Facebook page.

Nowadays there are a variety of strategies you can implement immediately that will help you grow your law firm exponentially using proven digital advertising tactics.

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How to Effectively Build a Local Google Business Page to Get Your Company Found

There is a pretty great chance that at some point in time you have searched for something near you, but how does Google always manage to populate not only what you’re looking for, but also the closest match to your location?

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5 Reasons Your Content Marketing Strategy Isn’t Successful

With so much content being created every day by thousands of marketers, standing out and gaining visibility to your brand isn’t as easy as it once was. More and more businesses understand the impact of producing valuable content, and with so many people competing for attention. How do you construct a successful content marketing strategy? Content Marketing
Your creating similar content – As more and more content is being published it becomes harder and harder to stand out above competitors. Producing lengthy blog posts and valuable content is relevant to your marketing strategy. But when viewers see the same topics and tips, again and again, the value in your content quickly drops.

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Make Your Business Stand Out With Video Content Marketing

The popularity of on-line videos continues to grow, in fact, 50% of online video now accounts for 50% of all mobile traffic affecting both our entertainment consumption and informational needs.

The power of video content remains on the rise, people prefer the idea of watching short and informational videos over reading a text-heavy piece of content. In fact, YouTube remains the second largest search engine in the world after Google.

The advantages of video content marketing are huge. In this day and age, we are bombarded with information coming at us from all directions. We have developed a natural repellent and immediately skip over any content that isn’t short, simple, and to the point.

I mean who has time to waste?

As a society we have evolved into non-stop working machines who go all day and don’t have a second to spare. That is why video content marketing is perfect for marketing strategies and business growth.

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